Karen Donald

Dartford, United Kingdom

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 05 at 07:53 PM

Please could  you get permission to have some of these on limited catch-up as I’ve had a lot of family and travel things busy getting in the way of my streaming time  🙏🙏🙏🙏🤞🤞🤞🤞

Commented on post was deleted

Mar 16 at 04:07 AM

Post Upgrade - Any news on new upcoming projects and festivals eg Glasgow has an annual comedy festival on now which would be great to see a curated selection on Nextup.

Loving that Mark Watson is planning a regular monthly live stream from Monkey Barrel comedy club on top of your other regular shows so any more eg a different regional area to highlight other  key local comedy scenes?

Commented on Wrestling

Mar 09 at 09:34 PM

IKR I didn’t realise that Max and Ivan had started it all those years ago from their actual real life. Now seen the Edinburgh 2022 and London 2023 wrestles - such a hoot. Was talking to Olga Koch (clang) at her recording the day after the Nextup stream and we were saying it is a brilliant mixture of choreography professionals guidance and improv.