reminder that this is at 730pm tonight gang...
"Binge on the Edinburgh Fringe. 28 comedy and variety acts in one frenetically paced gig hosted by Arthur Smith"
Should be a good one!
Fringe schedule?
I’m anxiously awaiting this year’s Edinburgh Fringe schedule. Any idea when l/where it will be available?
Thanks 🌟
Hey. Is anyone else account just saying “this video is not available to you” despite having an active account?
Feature Suggestion: would be cool to have a list of all the comedians and next to each have a drop down of Love, Like, Not for me. That way it can be like a pokedex of comedians 🥰 gotta watch them all!
I loved Elf and Duffy tonight , their performance was brilliant. Funny and clever . It was a fine example of how to be properly inclusive.
I want toleave a tip for them , whats the deal.
Where’s tonight’s Live from The Bill Murray? My phone notified me but there’s nothing on the NextUp app
A Night of Alternative Comedy - Cancelled.
I see this has been removed for the foreseeable future, I know it's out of anyone's hands but it's sad to see it not do well. I caught a couple of the streams and absolutely loved them.
I remember Colin apologising as not enough people turned up to the last one, hopefully it can be kick started again at some point.
This isn't a grumble, or a moan, just a hope that we can have some more similar content in the future.
New livestream added for TONIGHT!
7pm - tune in here:
I’m back in on the iPhone app, looking great so far but I think I’m going to have to redo my playlists and favourites as they seem to have not carried over.. anyone else have that?