Henning Strack

Heidelberg, Germany

Replied on post was deleted

Mar 07 at 11:55 PM

Chas Harrington Sometimes you can. I think it's a matter of negotiation between NextUp and the venue/artist/whoever.

Replied on Hello everyone!

Mar 02 at 10:15 AM

That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you!



Feb 28 at 11:23 PM

So am I the first non-admin to post here? Is that something that should go on my CV? I feel like I should now write something funny and/or interesting...

nope... I've got nothing...

Maybe a question: I'm going to be in London for a few days in May and want to obviously see a lot of comedy. Is there a website that shows you all comedy shows happening in London on any given day or do I have to go to each club and theatre's website?