Kate Nicolson

Dec 29 at 10:48 PM

Notifications for the app haven't been coming through. I'll see if i can prevent google from sleeping notifications if I don't open on the app on my phone much

Aug 16 at 07:41 PM

Ooooh how do you get that view? Is that on desktop website? Was struggling with the app not showing the dates unless you clicked on them 🤭 worked out all right, just went through them and popped the bell on for each 🥳

Apr 16 at 08:27 PM

Loved LuLu 😁


Apr 16 at 08:25 PM

Yeah I looooove the new features! I love I can instantly see if something is watched and I like liking, and I love the new way to have reminders for upcoming shows. You are all amazing - pushing to make the platform better, not just in content, but experience. I wish other platforms had your drive


Mar 11 at 10:09 PM

Ah! No! Money time! So instead of it being a new feature; instead launch a new app called NextUp Companion app. I'd pay £7 a year; £30 for a lifetime. Have the full list of NextUp featured comedians (that will be incentive for the conedians to pitch you a show) have the ratings, maybe a personal private comments log. And have it like an imdb of performances so you can see where they are going and have links to any recorded previous. 🥰🤑



Mar 11 at 09:43 PM

Feature Suggestion: would be cool to have a list of all the comedians and next to each have a drop down of Love, Like, Not for me. That way it can be like a pokedex of comedians 🥰 gotta watch them all!



Sep 25 at 10:38 PM

Just saying thanks for adding the calendar feature 🥰

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Sep 25 at 10:35 PM

Tarot / Gein's Family Workshop, are amazing. Saw them at Suspiciously Cheap Comedy tonight. Must be my 8th time seeing them at least 🥰

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Aug 17 at 07:55 AM

My recommendations for this coming week:

Alexander Bennett!

Alice Fraser! Legend

Philip Kostelecky! Supposed to be best newcomer

John Robins ❤️

Rose Matafeo!! I'm jealous! She is so good!

Ed Byrne

Alexandra Haddow

Matt Green

Rhys James

Olga Koch 🦐

Ahir Shah

Alison Spittle 🔋

Foxdog Studios 💻

Anuvab Pal

Robin Ince 📚

Seymour Mace

Eleanor Morton 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Jo Caulfield

Andrew O'Neill 🤘

John Robertson

Stuart Goldsmith

Tiff Stevenson

Freya Parker

Frankie Boyle

Phil Kay

Stewart Lee

Shaparak Khorsandi (aka Shapi)

Omar Ibrahim

Paul Foot

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Aug 10 at 10:51 PM

Who are you looking forward to seeing? Whats your favourite comedy style?