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Apr 02 at 08:29 PM

Maybe the clocks weren't changed...

Feb 07 at 03:29 PM

Looks like the UK pun championship is one of the shows that will be streaming from Leicester this year

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Sep 01 at 05:09 PM

It's on the Rewind the Fringe list for shows available 11-17 September!

So happy as I missed loads of this one.

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Sep 01 at 04:10 PM

Brilliant work team!

Assume they'll just be available across that period rather than re-streamed?

Well done for negotiating all of these - fantastic stuff. Haven't figured out whose individual shows might be missing and probably would be unfair to publish a list anway...

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Aug 14 at 03:16 PM

Ian Robinson hopefully it will be at some point in September as it's not live live? Presumably moved to avoid the Monkey Barrel Big Show clash.

Replied on Edinburgh Fringe

Aug 14 at 03:08 PM

Still reeling from my week up there. Agree with everything Ian has said re. Ahir and Stu, and would add that Andrew O'Neill's Geburah is phenomenal, Elf and Duffy's Heist is, well, something else and an absolute joy. Really enjoyed Caitriona Dowden and Nate Kitch's Catechism of Cliché and so much else besides.

On Daniel Kitson's show, while the run is sold out, if you are in Edinburgh and up early enough it is worth checking at Summerhall for returns etc. from around 9.30am on the day. I got in that way and as Ian said the show is great and huge fun.

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Jun 16 at 09:10 PM

So that's a yes then...

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Jun 04 at 06:42 PM

Are NextUp recording Tony Law's current tour show?