Andrew Carr

Ennis, Ireland

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Jul 24 at 11:25 AM

Sent email. I just saw I have been charged £60 now.

Jun 05 at 02:37 AM

Pierre Novellie Quiet Ones on YouTube

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May 02 at 07:42 PM

And Lazy Susan is also great.

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May 02 at 07:41 PM

Eleanor Morton’s stuff is great. And all the Irish lads Jason Byrne, Tommy Tiernan, Andrew Maxwell, Sean Hughes.

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Apr 23 at 02:30 PM

Thanks for the reply. Great that your willing to engage with users concerns. 🤞it all goes well.

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Apr 21 at 02:23 PM

Bought one but have my concerns about it. I’m wondering if the strategy is to extract more money from an existing user base rather than increasing the overall user base at more affordable subscription levels. I have reservations about the pricing at post early bird levels. Current annual sub £30 so £350 is over 10 years of subs. Seems an extraordinary outlay for all but the most ardent of fans who presumably are already signed up at early bird prices. From the crowdfunding  one of the aims from my recollection was to build an attractive product to perhaps get bought up or subsumed into a larger entity to get a return on investment. What happens to lifetime subs then? Not to mention the timing after the recently cancelled “crowdfunding” due to entirely foreseeable reasons. 

All that aside I really hope this works out and they get to keep supporting comedians and I get to keep enjoying their offering.