Dan Wright


Aug 09 at 10:48 PM

Hey Nextuppers, I reckon it's time we had some decent chat on these here new(ish) community feeds.... So, how did you find the first two livestreams of the Fringe? I personally loved both of them, and have new comedians to follow as a result. Also there was chat from some folk saying that they've never been to the Fringe before, and I'd like to know why, do you live far away? Or unable to make it for any other reason? I personally stay in Glasgow, so I'm just fucking lazy these days (I jest, I'm a chef so it's pretty tricky :p). Also let's reiterate what a great job  this platform  continues to do for live comedy and accessibility to it.

Much love,
Dan. (absolutely no affiliation to the site, just a huge live comedy fan)